Hakan Malmqvist
Ambassador of Sweden to Greece

12 additional members and 8 years later - Sweden takes on EU Presidency secondtime




On July 1 Sweden took on the Presidency of the European Union. We will face various challenges - internal and external. This is a responsibility we will shoulder in the firm conviction that the EU also provides the best platform for Sweden's foreign policy action. My Government's objective is to conduct a professional and result-oriented Presidency. Our aim is to be an honest broker among the interests of the member states.
We have taken over the Presidency of a Union that has changed significantly since 1995, when we joined, and 2001, when we last held the Presidency. The enlargement from 15 to 27 Member States has helped to consolidate freedom and democracy in Europe and to create stability and prosperity for an increasing number of countries and peoples.
Today the EU has a population of close to half a billion. It is the world's largest integrated economy, accounting for some 30 percent of global production, and is the largest trading partner for more than 130 countries. The EU contributes around 60 percent of the total global development assistance. The voice of Europe is gaining in strength and influence.
What will be on our agenda? In addition to the "normal" business of a Presidency, Sweden will face a Union characterised by institutional challenges - a newly elected European Parliament, the transition to a new Commission and - hopefully - the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty.
EU cooperation will continue to be essential in order to counter the effects of the economic crisis. We believe it is important not to respond to this crisis with protectionist measures. Sweden will continue to underline the importance of free trade, greater openness and increased economic cooperation.
The climate issue will be on top of the international agenda and must not be sidelined by the economic crisis. On the contrary, we believe we have a great deal to gain by investing in green technology. The agreement of the EU on an ambitious climate package will lay a good foundation for continued international climate efforts. Sweden's objective is for the conference in Copenhagen to result in a comprehensive global agreement with forceful measures to curb climate change and to strengthen international cooperation.
The European Union's common security and defence policy
has been a success so far. Sweden has the ambition to further develop the EU's policy in this field through stronger collaboration between civilian and
military operations and closer cooperation between the European
Union and the UN, NATO and OSCE.
Securing peace and stability in Europe has come a long way through the gradual enlargement of the EU and the deepened cooperation. Enlargement is still the European Union's primary instrument for creating security, democracy and prosperity in Europe. Sweden will therefore seek to promote progress in the ongoing accession negotiations and in achieving a closer relationship between the EU and Western Balkan countries. The road to EU membership will require major reform efforts by the candidates. Keeping the door open to further enlargement will help these countries to direct their political energies towards constructive, forward-looking reform policies.
East of the EU we have a number of States, the stability of which, is of paramount importance also to us. While the contacts and cooperation with other neighbouring countries have developed positively, there has been a lack of strategic concept for the six easterly neighbours Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Eastern Partnership, adopted by the European Council last March, should be seen as an attempt to filling this gap in the external relations of the EU. The Swedish Presidency will have the important task of initiating the implementation of the Eastern Partnership.
Lastly - let me assure you that we are aware of the fact that our agenda could very well be driven by unexpected events. We are trying to be prepared also for this.





- ΙΩΣΗΦ ΙΩΣΗΦ, Πρέσβυς της Κύπρου στην Ελλάδα

- Δρ. ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΥΡΑΣ, Επίτ. Πρόξενος της Βραζιλίας στην Ελλάδα

- VOLODYMYR SHKUROV, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Hellenic Republic
- MACIEJ KRYCH, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland


- ΑΛΕΞΑΝΤΕΡ ΧΟΜΕΝΚΟ, Διευθυντής Ρωσικού Πολιτιστικού και Επιστημονικού Κέντρου

- ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΓΕΡΟΥΛΑΝΟΣ, Υπουργός Πολιτισμού και Τουρισμού

- ΑΙΚΑΤΕΡΙΝΗ ΤΖΙΤΖΙΚΩΣΤΑ,  Πρόεδρος της Ελληνικής Εθνικής Επιτροπής για την UNESCO
- TOM NORRING,  Ambassador of Denmark in Greece

- ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΥΡΑΣ, Ιατρός Πλαστικός Χειρουργός, Επίτιμος Πρόξενος της Βραζιλίας στην Ελλάδα

- Ε. ΚΟΖΑΚΟΥ-ΜΑΡΚΟΥΛΗ, Υπουργός Εξωτερικών της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

- ΑΝΝΑ ΖΩΗΡΟΥ, Σύμβουλος ΛΑΟΣ σε θέματα Οικονομικών & Διεθνών Σχέσεων

- ΠΑΡΗ ΡΑΠΤΗ ΛΥΡΑ, Ιατρός Ενδοκρινολόγος - Διαβητολόγος

- ΠΕΤΡΟΣ ΛΕΩΤΣΑΚΟΣ,  Δημοσιογράφος, τραπεζικός συνάκτης

- ΝΙΚΟΣ Γ. ΣΥΚΑΣ, Σύμβουλος Στρατηγικής & Επικοινωνίας


- ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ. ΛΑΜΠΡΙΝΙΔΗΣ, Υπουργός Εξωτερικών - Ομιλία στο ΥΠΕΞ στις 28/7/2011
- SVERRE STUB, Ambassador of Norway
- MEHDI HONARDOOST, Ambassador of Iran

- DRAGAN ZUPANJEVAC, Ambassador of Serbia

- VOLODYMYR SHKUROV, Ambassador of Ukraine

STEPHEN G. MILLER, Επίτιμος Καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου Berkley, Καλιφόρνια, ΗΠA

- ΝΤΕΪΒΙΝΤ  ΛΑΝΤΣΜΑΝ, Πρέσβυς της Μ. Βρετανίας στην Ελλάδα

- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ, Εκδότης του περιοδικού "Politistiki Diplomatia"

- ΠΑΝΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ, Χρηματιστηριακός τεχνικός αναλυτής διευθυντής GSTA/ EKTA

- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ Εκδότης του περιοδικού 'Politistiki Diplomatia'
ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΖΟΓΛΟΥ, CICA, M.S, B.A(Honours),  Σύμβουλος  Πληροφορικής και Συγγραφέας

- JOZSEF TOTH, Ambassador of Hungary 


- JAN VODERADSKY, Ambassador of Slovakia
- MANDISA DONA MARASHA, Ambassador of South Africa    

- ΙΕΡΟΘΕΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Εκπρόσωπος της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής στην Ελλάδα

- ΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΡΔΑΛΙΑΣ, Δήμαρχος Βύρωνα
- MΕHDI HONARDOOST,  Αmbassador of Iran to Grecce

- ΧΑΪΔΕΥΤΟΣ ΚΟΜΝΗΝΟΣ, Πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Ελληνικών Κοινοτήτων Σουηδίας

- VILI SHEFKI MINAROLLI, Αmbassador of Albania to Greece
- ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΜΩΡΑΪΤΗΣ, Εκδότης του περιοδικού 'Politistiki Diplomatia'
- SINE RIISAGER, The Danish Institute

Special Olympics
ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ, Πρόεδρος Ομοσπονδίας Γερμανικών Κοινοτήτων - Ταμίας ΣΑΕ

- ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ, Αναλυτής, ΜΑ σε Διεθνείς Σχέσεις

- ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΑΜΠΑΤΖΗΣ, Πρόξενος της Γερμανίας στην Πάτρα

- ΜΑΡΙΝΑ ΔΟΥΛΑΜΗ, Επίτιμος Προξένος της Γαλλίας στην Αλεξανδρούπολη

- EUSEBI AYENSA, Instituto Cervantes de Atenas

- CAPOCCI, Προέδρος του Ελληνο-Ιταλικού Επιμελητηρίου


- ΕΥΔΟΞΙΑ ΠΑΝΤΑ, Πρόεδρος Ομοσπονδίας Ελλήνων Βελγίου

- ΗΡΑ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ, Director of Cultural Affairs of the Hellenic American Union

- VALERIY TSYBUCKΗ, Ambassador of Ukraine to Greece

- HAKAN MALMQVIST, Ambassador of Sweden to Greece


- To άσβεστο 'ΟΧΙ' των Ελλήνων
- Ν.Δ.: Διάσπαση ή Εσωστρέφεια;

- ΠΟΛΥ ΒΛΑΧΟΥ, Διευθύντρια Πολιτιστικού Οργανισμού Ηλιούπολης
- ΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΡΔΑΛΙΑΣ, Δήμαρχος Βύρωνα